Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kafkas The Metamorphosis Societal Normality Versus The...

Societal Normality versus the Individual â€Å"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.† Although perhaps a trivial interpretation of the role of conformity, John F. Kennedy captures the essence of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis by identifying the principle struggle faced by Gregor as he experiences life following his inexplicable transformation â€Å"into a horrible vermin.†(1) The Metamorphosis explores the existential dichotomy between the societal pressure of conformity and the individuals drive for meaning, the resulting message being the necessity of societal rejection in achieving true existentialism. Viewing the The Metamorphosis as an examination of motivation for meaning contrasted with the pressure of societal conformity†¦show more content†¦This dichotomy is present within Gregor’s internal monologue regarding his job, â€Å" If he succeeded in falling out of bed in this way and kept his head raised as he did so he could probably avoid injuring it. His back seemed to be quite hard, and probably nothing would happen to it falling onto the carpet. His main concern was for the loud noise he was bound to make, and which even through all the doors would probably raise concern if not alarm.† The directly adjacent placement of Gregors worry that he may physically injure himself to his ‘main concern’ of raising alarm shows the depth of his commitment to his society; even when it comes at the cost of his own well being. The beginning of the text’s incessant references to Gregor’s employment, and more importantly Gregor’s interna l need to fulfil his position as a worker is pinnacle to the concept of external factors impacting Gregor’s existential journey throughout the text. Although work is immediately presented as the exterior factor pushing Gregor into the system, the majority of the book is characterized by Gregor’s relationship with his family-- and their individual role in forcing Gregor to stay within the norms of society. Even in the context of Gregor’s employment, his work itself can be seen as an extension of his familial pressure to operate within his societal role. The necessity of money, and it’s direct relation to his family was described

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